Thursday, February 2, 2017

Mothman - History

In West Virginia around Point Pleasant from 1966-1967, a legendary creature known to the locals as Mothman began to appear. It appears to be a man-sized bird with red eyes. It's been theorized that supernatural events occured when the creature appeared. Some even say that he was connected to the collapsed Silver Bridge.

The first known sighting of the Mothman was in 1966 when five men were in a graveyard, digging a grave they claimed they saw a "man-like figure" fly low from the trees overhead.
Afterward there was another sighting; two couples claimed they saw a large white figure whose eyes "glowed red" when the car headlights picked them up. The description they gave says the creature was a man-like bird with a ten foot wingspan, following them from the site of a former World War II munitions plant.

After those sightings more experiences from other people began to spread, the legend of the Mothman grew.

So what do you guys think? Mothman real or no? I'll be covering this and more so stay tuned! This is Blue, signing out.

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